ATW September 24, 2024
The Deep State Endorses Harris, Ryan Routh's Letter, and More

Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn
Racket News (September 24, 2024)

27:02 Vice President Kamala Harris: “We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do. That’s why everybody’s here right now. We love our country. We take pride in the privilege of being American. And this is a moment where we can and must come together as Americans, understanding we have so much more in common than what separates us. Let’s come together. The character that we are so proud of about who we are. We are an optimistic people. We are an optimistic people. Americans by character are people who have dreams and ambitions and aspirations. We believe in what is possible. We believe in what can be. And we believe in fighting for that. That’s how we came into being. Because the people before us understood that one of the greatest expressions for the love of our country, one of the greatest expressions of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body; freedom to be safe from gun violence; freedom to have access to the ballot box; freedom to be who you are and just be to love who you love openly and with pride; freedom to just be. And that’s who we are. We believe in all that. And this is a moment where we stand knowing what we’re fighting for. We’re not fighting against. It’s what we’re fighting for.”

29:30 Walter Kirn: I’ve watched it probably four times and the hypnotic hand gestures are really studied, I realized. When she said “together” she had her [hands] sort of, you know here [fingers laced together] Here is the church. Here is the steeple. This and that and so on. It’s something a magician, almost, would teach you. To me it’s far more studied that the words themselves.

Now, the word’s themselves were impeccably meaningless.”Freedom to be.” Do you mean, “as opposed to death”? Freedom to just be isn’t really that free, you know. I mean, even in North Korea they are. Is she a Heideggerian existentialist? I mean, ‘Freedom to be.’ Meaningless. In America one of the ways we express love or whatever is ‘patriotism.” And then she went: ‘And that’s how we came to be,’ in fact through something, I guess it was the love of freedom. It wasn’t a really great summary of the American Revolution, if that’s what she was talking about.”

30:53 Matt Taibbi: “My favorite one is the ballot access, though, since this Democratic party has been completely against ballot access for basically every one of their opponents

31:05 Walter Kirn: “Freedom to love who you love. Except for that dude in North Carolina who got caught on the porn chat. Anyway, it was, as I say, impeccably meaningless. It was an expression of a mood. But what was the mood? I have no idea. Because, as she enacts emotion, I don’t know what the emotion is. Is that joyfulness? Is that pride? And she manages to be pedantic in a way that you know I think in a way that has been compared to a kindergarten teacher but strikes me as sort of a high-end therapist, or something. About things that she’s not teaching me. In other words, it’s always suggested by her tone that she’s just said something pretty interesting. Something that she has to repeat because it’s that interesting, or that subtle. But it never is. So what I see is a fully formed act of a kind I’ve never seen before.“

32:30 “You know, there’s a lot of empty rhetoric in politics. Sometimes it’s the majority of the rhetoric you hear. But this is a whole new thing because she speaks as though she’s thinking, as if she’s NOT repeating, you know, ‘This is the greatest country in the world.’ You see, nobody acts like they just thought of that when they give a speech and say, you know, ‘America is the greatest country in the world’ . . . But she acts as though it just came to her in this profound trance in which she’s channeling, I don’t know, the Statue of Liberty? Who knows? . . . It’s hypnosis.”

. . . Why to ‘internal’ polls differ from the publicly available polls?

. . . 56:34 Walter Kirn: “What’s this thing about Media Literacy in a time when real literacy is going down. Maybe they should start with that. One of the best ways to know what’s true and false is to be able to read “. . .

1:14:00 Matt Taibbi: Not much evidence that Trump didn’t support Ukraine or any other of America’s losing wars . . .

. . . this move to internationalize an intensely domestic election may not succeed . . .

Walter Kirn: This sounds like saying Martin Luther King should not have pissed off all those White Supremesists . . .